We all have different reasons of buying a new type of trash cans, we have options that sometimes are confusing to us. I am talking of the 3 types of trashcans, the open can, touchless and the step pedal trash can. While all of them serves the same garbage problem, the design, type, functionality, features, and price differs a lot. Here are some things that you should ask first before buying a new trash can:
What type of garbage i mostly throw to my trashcan?
Yes that should be a question, if you plan to place your trash can inside your kitchen, then you are expected to throw some food, liquid, wet, and with odor things in your can. That means you need a stainless steel, and for the odor part, you need a lid covered trash can. Now the question is
Do i need an automatic open close lid trash can?
There are two types of automatic, one is sensor-based and the other is mechanical. The touchless trash can offer the infra red sensor touchless trashcan, while the step pedal trash can offers mechanic. Now you need to consider how long you need the lid to open while you are working in the kitchen.
Common problems with a touchless sensor-based trash can
1. If you are working in your kitchen and cleaning a vegetable or cutting or slicing a meet, then you need the lid to be open most of the time. While the touchless trash can have an open button feature, the problem with this is that the motor that hold it open is used for a long period, thus a predictable problem with motor or spring might occur in the future, and some of the touchless trash can owners noticed that there is a plastic part of the motor-structure, they see it as a weak part of that mechanics.
2. Opening and closing lid by itself, most owners are confused with this problem but some of them realized that this occurs when you place the touchless trashcan close or very near to a walking path where your arms or legs often comes close within the range of 10 inches.
3. Batteries dying after few weeks, 3 months - this problem is the number 1 common issue of a touchless trash can, but you might be able to read some solution to it or you might figure it by yourself, until then this is still the main issue of touchless garbage cans.
Is buying a touchless trash can should be a thing in the past ?
No, touchless trash can will continue to innovate, and also consider that not all have these problems, the more people complaining the better this touchless feature will evolve. Hands free trash can is the latest generations of trash cans so let it grow and mature. As soon as the makers figure it out, and the support system for it will be improved, then touchless sensor-based garbage cans will be the best in the future.